University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT)
- Prague , Czech Republic
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5000+ -
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The University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague is a natural centre of first-rate study and research in the area of chemistry in Czechia and is one of the country's largest educational and research institutions focused on technical chemistry, chemical and biochemical technologies, material and chemical engineering, food chemistry, and environmental studies.
According to the prestigious Times Higher Education rankings, UCT Prague, one of five Czech universities, ranks among the 4% of the best world universities (*2017). The school has also dominated the rankings of the Education Policy Centre of Charles University in the category “Emphasis on Science, Research and Creativity” category (*2016).
A number of key figures of the history of chemistry relate to UCT Prague. Among them, three figures are renowned in their fields: Vladimir Prelog, Nobel Prize winner, Otto Wichterle, inventor of contact lenses, and Emil Votoček, author of the Czech chemical nomenclature.
UCT Prague cooperates with more than 100 universities and institutions worldwide. The university is the most active Czech university participant in the Erasmus+ student exchange programme and has also participated in other programmes such as the 5th and 6th framework programme, COST, EUREKA, and Leonardo da Vinci.
UCT Prague (in addition to departments accomodating the needs of the entire university) has four faculties:
- Faculty of Chemical Technology
- Faculty of Environmental Technology
- Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology
- Faculty of Chemical Engineering
The Faculty of Chemical Technology offers studies in interesting and promising directions of advanced chemistry
- Biomaterials for medical purposes (metallic, ceramic and polymeric implants)
- Materials of special properties (nanomaterials, optical waveguides, superconductors)
- Catalysis, reactor engineering, modeling and informatics in chemistry
- Drugs synthesis and manufacturing
- Pharmaceuticals, fragrances, chemical specialties
- Glass, ceramics; crystals; plastics, rubbers
- Conservation and restoration of historical monuments (metallic, wooden and stone)
The Faculty of Environmental Technology offers the following programmes:
Bachelor’s programme (eng):
Environmental Technology (in Czech), Chemistry and Technology (in English)
Master’s programmes (eng):
Environmental Technology (in Czech)
Environmental Technology and Engineering, Environmental Chemistry and Technology (in English)
PhD programmes:
Environmental Chemistry and Technology (in Czech)
Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Environment (in Czech)
Study programmes provided at the Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology (FFBT) embrace both traditional fields of food science as well as current trends in the development of food and biochemical sciences. Traditional fields such as brewing, sugar manufacture, fermentation, and agrochemistry were taught at UCT Prague's historical predecessor, Prague Polytechnic, as early as the beginning of the last century
The Faculty of Chemical Engineering offers the following types of study programmes:
Bachelor´s degree programmes
Bachelor´s degree programmes extend for three years. Study programmes are based on core courses embracing general subjects. Graduates are awarded the title "Bachelor" (equivalent to BSc). Diploma Supplement is being issued in a widely spoken European language, given automatically and free of charge to every student upon graduation.
Master´s degree programmes
Master´s degree programmes link up to BSc programmes and take 2 years. Comprise core and specialized courses. Studies lead to the "engineer" degree ("inženýr" in Czech, equivalent to an M.Sc.). Diploma Supplement is being issued in a widely spoken European language, given automatically and free of charge to every student upon graduation.
Postgraduate doctoral studies
Postgraduate doctoral studies leading to a Ph.D. degree lasting nominally four years beyond master studies.
For most of the Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes, subjects are taught and examinations taken in Czech. Nevertheless, an ever growing number of departments is offering courses in English and for the doctoral programmes, depending on the subject, knowledge of Czech may not be a prerequisite.
The aim of the Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering is to lead students to independent research and to provide them the appropriate qualifications. Every study programme is organized in a full-time (internal) or a part-time (external) mode of study. Standard length of a full-time study course is four years. The maximum length of (a part-time) study course is seven years. Graduates are awarded a Ph.D. title (a Doctorate, „doktor“ in Czech).
Fees for the Academic Year 2020/21
The tuition fee for self-financing students registered for studies in English in the Academic Year 2020/2021 |
Bachelor and Master degree programme |
70 300,- CZK (cca 2 800,- EUR) |
Doctoral programme |
70 300,- CZK (cca 2 800,- EUR) |
Admission Proceedings to English Degree Programmes
Bachelor and Master level
Online applications for Bc / MSc studies are accepted from 12th January.
Firstly, all application documents in the required format shall be scanned as a separate attachment, each of them properly named (in the format: Surname_name of the attachment).
Secondly, you shall upload the application documents into the ONLINE APPLICATION.
The deadline is 28th February.
Applications received after the deadline or applications delivered in incorrect form or style will be disregarded.
Application Fee
Application fee for the academic year 2021/2022 is 3 000,- CZK.
- Факультет Химических технологий
- Технологий Охраны Окружающей Среды
- Пищевых и Биохимических Технологий
- Химико-Инженерный факультет

- Прикладная химия и материалы
- Химия и химические технология
- Химия и прикладная экология
- Синтез и производство лекарств
- Сохранение и реставрация объектов культурного наследия: произведений декоративно-прикладного искусства
Для слушателей этого курса предлагается богатая программа для исследований:
- Биоматериалы для медицины (металлических, керамических и полимерных имплантантов)
- Биоматериалы со специальными свойствами (наноматериалы, оптические волноводы, сверхпроводники)
- Катализ, проектирования реакторов, моделирование и информатика в химии.
- Синтез и производство лекарственных средств, фармацевтических препаратов, отдушек, химических специальностей.

- Прикладная химия и материалы
- Химия и химические технология
- Химия и прикладная экология
- Синтез и производство лекарств
- Сохранение и реставрация объектов культурного наследия: произведений декоративно-прикладного искусства
Для слушателей этого курса предлагается богатая программа для исследований:
- Биоматериалы для медицины (металлических, керамических и полимерных имплантантов)
- Биоматериалы со специальными свойствами (наноматериалы, оптические волноводы, сверхпроводники)
- Катализ, проектирования реакторов, моделирование и информатика в химии.
- Синтез и производство лекарственных средств, фармацевтических препаратов, отдушек, химических специальностей.

- Прикладная химия и материалы
- Химия и химические технология
- Химия и прикладная экология
- Синтез и производство лекарств
- Сохранение и реставрация объектов культурного наследия: произведений декоративно-прикладного искусства
Для слушателей этого курса предлагается богатая программа для исследований:
- Биоматериалы для медицины (металлических, керамических и полимерных имплантантов)
- Биоматериалы со специальными свойствами (наноматериалы, оптические волноводы, сверхпроводники)
- Катализ, проектирования реакторов, моделирование и информатика в химии.
- Синтез и производство лекарственных средств, фармацевтических препаратов, отдушек, химических специальностей.

- Прикладная химия и материалы
- Химия и химические технология
- Химия и прикладная экология
- Синтез и производство лекарств
- Сохранение и реставрация объектов культурного наследия: произведений декоративно-прикладного искусства
Для слушателей этого курса предлагается богатая программа для исследований:
- Биоматериалы для медицины (металлических, керамических и полимерных имплантантов)
- Биоматериалы со специальными свойствами (наноматериалы, оптические волноводы, сверхпроводники)
- Катализ, проектирования реакторов, моделирование и информатика в химии.
- Синтез и производство лекарственных средств, фармацевтических препаратов, отдушек, химических специальностей.
Education price
2 800 EUR
- Обучения - 12 месяцев
- 60 кредит часов
- Английский на уровне B2
2 800 EUR
- Обучения - 12 месяцев
- 60 кредит часов
- Английский на уровне B2
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